Will meet you on a site like fetlife.com and encourage you to text her claiming she is in Virginia and will return to Everett, MA, returning, "next week," but never returns. Uses pictures of different people with red hair that she claims is her and some pictures have inconsistent pictures of tattoos on the people.
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StopBadProfiles (SBP) hopes to make the World Wide Web or Internet safer and more enjoyable by being designed to warn of websites or bad or fake profiles on the Internet, for example at social networks. All information on StopBadProfiles is opinion. The comments on StopBadProfiles refer to online names and are not considered reflections of the users of the names in their day to day lives away from the Internet. The opinions on StopBadProfiles are solely the opinions of visitors to StopBadProfiles and are not the opinions of StopBadProfiles staff.
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